Friday, March 20, 2009

Grammy & Paw Paw came to see me!!!

Yes, Mommy's been a slacker... again! She (ummm, I) lost the cord to upload photos from the camera (again). But we found it today and now we have some great photos from the last month! Grandaddy just had his 60th birthday and Grammy and Paw Paw stopped by! So Happy Birthday Grandaddy! I had so much fun with ALL my grandparents this past weekend! I can't wait for Grammy and Paw Paw to come back again! Maybe they'll come and see me out in San Diego!

I'm growing up so fast! Mommy can hardly believe that I'm 15 months old today! I have so many teeth now too! My first set of molars are all in and I have 2 of my canine teeth coming in right now too! I also enjoy using my teeth:) I like to bite. Grammy and Paw Paw say that Daddy was my age when he used to bite people too. Daddy claims it's because people spoke to him in English and Spanish and he was frustrated, but I think he just enjoyed biting people like I do:) I go back for my check up with Dr. Marotta in 2 weeks, so I'll update you on all my stats then:)

Mom and I will be heading back in San Diego in a month! I'm sad to be leaving all my family out here, but I can't wait to see my Daddy again!!! I love you Daddy! I'm such a big boy now! I can't wait for you to see me!

Me and Paw Paw

I think we were singing to Daddy:)

Mom really wishes I didn't have a binky in my mouth:)

Having fun with Grammy

Just me looking cute:)

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