Monday, February 9, 2009

Paw Paw came to see me!

Yesterday was great! Paw Paw visited me! And Jonah and Maren came over too! I had lots of visitors:) I wish Grammy could've made it... I miss you Grammy! We had lots of fun and played outside in the nice weather. I love you Paw Paw and Grammy! Mommy and ! wish that you would move to Virginia! That way Daddy can't argue and will have to settle down there close to all the grandparents!

Saturday I spent the day with Jonah and we played outside in the mud! Mom didn't want me to get dirty at first, but I think she saw that there was no hope of keeping us clean. She was pretty cool about it, but she still stripped me down outside and threw me right into the tub when we were done. I had a pretty busy weekend!

I woke up the other night saying "Daddy"! I really miss him and I can't wait for Daddy to come home!! I love you Daddy!

Don't judge me, mom said it would make me look like a samari... it does right?

I can be sweet and quiet... when I want to:)

I got mud on my face:)

And on my hands and legs and feet and bum...

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