Friday, February 6, 2009

Teeth, glorious teeth!

Hello everyone! Well, I have more teeth! Lots of new teeth! I just got 3 of my molars and another bottom tooth in the front is almost all the way in. So now I'm up to 11! Think there are only 20 baby teeth all together, so only 9 more to go! I've been keeping mom extra busy now that I'm mobile:) I've started jumping off of the couch too, Mimi taught me that one! I'm getting taller and really heavy! Mom has her wrist all bandaged up because I'm too heavy for her to carry anymore. Hope she feels better. Daddy's had his fair share of injuries (self-inflicted) out in Iraq; he dislocated his shoulder (hanging upside down doing ab exercises), turned his ankle (walking... the day after he ran 10K), and is usually battered black and blue from training to get his black belt. I know he's enjoying himself out there, but I can't wait for him to come home! I love you Daddy and me and Mommy miss you SO much!

"I'm pretty good at this:)"

"I am so amused."

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