Monday, January 19, 2009

Long overdue update!

Hello everyone! Mommy has made her New Year's resolution a little late. She's going to update the blog more often! Starting now!

So much has happened! Auntie Joni's birthday, Great Aunt Pam's wedding (congrats!), Chrirstmas, New Years, the Blejski twins' birthday! So much in just a month! On top of all that, I had the stomach flu, which I passed to everyone including Jonah and Maren, and I got 2 more teeth! I have 8 now and one of them is a molar! The other molars are on the way and I've been a little upset about it, but I'm doing okay. I had my 1 year check up and Dr. Marotta, my first male doctor, says I'm doing great! I'm 30 inches tall and I weigh 23 pounds, so I'm right in the middle, not too big, not too small, I'm just right:) And I've been walking everywhere! It took me a little bit to get my confidence up after those first days, but now I love walking all over the place! My new favorite food is pomegranates! I love them! Mommy tries to make me take my time, but I prefer to shovel handfuls in at a time, tastes better that way. My new favorite movie is The Incredibles although Surf's Up is still up there. But my most favorite thing to do is play in the water!!! I love bathtime and anytime someone will let me climb into a sink! I LOVE IT! Mommy has a really hard time getting me out of there. And of course, I miss my daddy and I love him very much! I still sleep with my daddy doll every night. I can't wait to see him soon!!! I love you daddy!

I love the sink:)

This is the "Eeeee" face that I've become famous for!


Me and Mommy walking in the leaves

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