Thursday, October 23, 2008

Congrats daddy!

Sorry for the delay with the updates! We've been busy! Last week Yai and Grandaddy went on a cruise so mommy and I spent most of the time at Auntie Joni's with Jonah and "Mimi":) We had a great time there, but we forgot to bring our camera! There was a big bummer last week though; Grammy and Paw Paw were on there way up here but had a little car trouble and I didn't get to see them:( But hopefully i'll get to see Grammy next month before she has to go to work!

Daddy just had his change of command ceremony over in Iraq, so now he's in charge! I'm so proud of my daddy! He told mommy that he's never had a job more rewarding than the work that he's doing over there right now. (I'm a blessing, not a job, so that doesn't count!) We're so glad that he enjoying his work! Love you daddy! Congrats!

Well, I've been running mommy ragged! Now I can get off of the couch all by myself and climb up there too! She still keeps a close eye on me to make sure I don't fall on my head, but I'm getting pretty good at getting where I want to be. I'm being kind to her and holding off on the walking for now. So for now I'm sticking to throwing the tennis ball, left handed, and pulling everything out of Yai's cupboards! They love it!

"I know it's in there... must be in the back..."

Mommy's wearing glasses until she gets Lasik next week:)
She also got a haircut, but this is NOT a good picture of it!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I've been saying daddy for a couple weeks now, but today was the first time that my daddy got to hear me say "daddy"! He was pretty excited! I'm growing pretty fast now that I'm not moving from house to house anymore! That was a little stressful for mommy and me! But now we're nicely settled in at Yai & Grandaddy's house. I have my 2 front teeth and another top tooth on the way! Mom says as soon as I have the balance to stand on my own, I'll be running everywhere! I stood the other day for a second or two, but that was it. I'm getting there though! Well, I love you all! I especially love you, DADDY! Haha! Said it again!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just a another beautiful day in Virginia:)

Mommy hasn't taken too many pictures since we got here, so yesterday she made up for it! She took so many pictures of me I didn't know what to do! So I just played my piano and climbed on my car and chewed on lots of stuff since my other top tooth is coming in. Mom also says I'm getting really heavy! It must be all this good southern/Thai food! I love bread and pancakes and last night I ate linguini and it was delicious! Mom says I'm a carb baby:) I can't fit any of the clothes mom brought in my suitcase, so we had to go shopping the other day. I'm gonna be a big boy when daddy comes home! I love you daddy! See you soon:)

Oh yeah, mom and Yai gave me my first haircut the other day... sorry dad! But don't I look handsome!

"I'm so tall!'

"This is my piano, pretty cool, huh!"

"If only mom knew what i was thinking...."

Monday, October 6, 2008

A visit from Paw Paw!

My Paw Paw stopped by yesterday to see me for a while! Too bad Grammy couldn't make it:( She's got a cold, so Grammy, I hope you're all better soon so you can come to see me! I'm hoping Grammy and Paw Paw will move up here and then I can see them all the time! I love you Grammy and Paw Paw! Thanks for coming to see me Paw Paw!

Jonah and Maren stopped by yesterday too! We've had lots of fun together! Since mommy and I have been here I've grown a lot! I can give kisses now and point at things and people that I want and before too long I'll be walking! Also since we've been here mommy and I have both missed daddy a bunch, but we pray for him every night and can't wait till he comes home! I love you daddy!

Me and Maren:)

Wow, Jonah's pretty tall!

I take baths will all my buddies:)
