Monday, October 6, 2008

A visit from Paw Paw!

My Paw Paw stopped by yesterday to see me for a while! Too bad Grammy couldn't make it:( She's got a cold, so Grammy, I hope you're all better soon so you can come to see me! I'm hoping Grammy and Paw Paw will move up here and then I can see them all the time! I love you Grammy and Paw Paw! Thanks for coming to see me Paw Paw!

Jonah and Maren stopped by yesterday too! We've had lots of fun together! Since mommy and I have been here I've grown a lot! I can give kisses now and point at things and people that I want and before too long I'll be walking! Also since we've been here mommy and I have both missed daddy a bunch, but we pray for him every night and can't wait till he comes home! I love you daddy!

Me and Maren:)

Wow, Jonah's pretty tall!

I take baths will all my buddies:)


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