Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just a another beautiful day in Virginia:)

Mommy hasn't taken too many pictures since we got here, so yesterday she made up for it! She took so many pictures of me I didn't know what to do! So I just played my piano and climbed on my car and chewed on lots of stuff since my other top tooth is coming in. Mom also says I'm getting really heavy! It must be all this good southern/Thai food! I love bread and pancakes and last night I ate linguini and it was delicious! Mom says I'm a carb baby:) I can't fit any of the clothes mom brought in my suitcase, so we had to go shopping the other day. I'm gonna be a big boy when daddy comes home! I love you daddy! See you soon:)

Oh yeah, mom and Yai gave me my first haircut the other day... sorry dad! But don't I look handsome!

"I'm so tall!'

"This is my piano, pretty cool, huh!"

"If only mom knew what i was thinking...."

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