Wednesday, September 10, 2008


As many of you may know, mommy and I are going to Virginia to go visit Yai and Grandaddy while my daddy is on deployment. I'm excited to see my east coast family, but I'm really sad that my daddy's leaving for a while:( It'll be okay though, we'll get to talk on the phone and hopefully we can webcam so he gets to see how big I'm getting and how much new stuff I can do! I said "mama" today just to see if I could get their attention:) It worked! Mom scooped me right up she was so happy to hear me talk! I'm going to try really hard to say "dada" before my daddy leaves on Monday! I love my daddy so much! I wish he could take me everywhere with him! I've become quite attached to my daddy! Yesterday I tried to follow him to the bathroom, but he wanted to be alone... so I waited for him... it took longer than I thought!

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