Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Daddy, I love you!

Monday my daddy left for Iraq. He's going to be gone a long time and mommy and I miss him already! But we're tough, we'll be okay and we'll have some help from Yai and Grandaddy to keep us company while daddy's away. I really miss daddy now too because I got a little cold and he's always really good at making me feel better and taking care of me. Mom's doing an okay job though:)

We had lots of fun though before daddy left! We went to my buddy Liam's birthday party and had cake, raced up the stairs and took a bath! I got to hang out with daddy and watch football (by the way dad, mom beat you on fantasy football this week!) and we went everywhere together. I can't wait till he gets back! I'll be running by then! I'll have lots of new stuff to show him! I have a big job of taking care of mommy in the meantime. I love you daddy! We miss you!


My evil genius face:)

He beat me by a nose!

Bath time!

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