Monday, September 29, 2008

San Diego Recap

Hi San Diego. I miss you guys! It's a lot of fun here in Virginia.. I'd love some visitors! Here's a look at some of the fun we had before leaving California.

"My daddy's bigger than your daddy"

Dane doing laundry with daddy

Dane & Auntie Tab

Dane & Uncle Pterodactyl on the Coronado Bay

Sunday, September 28, 2008

We're in Virginia!

Well, we're finally here and getting settled at Yai and Grandaddy's house. It's not home, but it's nice to have the company while daddy is away. I do miss San Diego and my buddies, but I know I'll see them soon! Since my daddy isn't here to see everything that mommy and I have done this past week or so I thought I'd post some photos to catch him up on what's been happening with us! I love you daddy! And I miss you SO MUCH! I'm so glad that you are safe and it was so nice hearing from you today:) Your phone calls always make me smile!

Not really sure what I'm doing, but I'm having fun!

I'm an excellent driver

Me and my buddy Jonah

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I miss you daddy!

I look angelic... hurry up take the picture... I can't hold this look long!

Wow I miss my daddy already, but in the mail today I got my Daddy Doll! He's 17 inches tall and looks just like daddy:) We already had lots of fun today:) I'm still a little snotty, but I'm feeling much better. I got to hear from daddy today, he finally made it to his base, so I'm happy he got there safe and sound:) I can't wait to web chat with him! I love you daddy!

"I caught a fish this big"

"So dad, I was thinking...."

"You wanna play with the remote next?"

"Goodnight daddy, I love you!"

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Daddy, I love you!

Monday my daddy left for Iraq. He's going to be gone a long time and mommy and I miss him already! But we're tough, we'll be okay and we'll have some help from Yai and Grandaddy to keep us company while daddy's away. I really miss daddy now too because I got a little cold and he's always really good at making me feel better and taking care of me. Mom's doing an okay job though:)

We had lots of fun though before daddy left! We went to my buddy Liam's birthday party and had cake, raced up the stairs and took a bath! I got to hang out with daddy and watch football (by the way dad, mom beat you on fantasy football this week!) and we went everywhere together. I can't wait till he gets back! I'll be running by then! I'll have lots of new stuff to show him! I have a big job of taking care of mommy in the meantime. I love you daddy! We miss you!


My evil genius face:)

He beat me by a nose!

Bath time!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


As many of you may know, mommy and I are going to Virginia to go visit Yai and Grandaddy while my daddy is on deployment. I'm excited to see my east coast family, but I'm really sad that my daddy's leaving for a while:( It'll be okay though, we'll get to talk on the phone and hopefully we can webcam so he gets to see how big I'm getting and how much new stuff I can do! I said "mama" today just to see if I could get their attention:) It worked! Mom scooped me right up she was so happy to hear me talk! I'm going to try really hard to say "dada" before my daddy leaves on Monday! I love my daddy so much! I wish he could take me everywhere with him! I've become quite attached to my daddy! Yesterday I tried to follow him to the bathroom, but he wanted to be alone... so I waited for him... it took longer than I thought!