Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Less than 3 weeks now!

So we have another appointment tomorrow to see how everything is going and from the looks of things, Dane is running out of room! Lots of contractions lately and mom and dad are very excited! So much so that we had to get our tree a little early so we could have everything ready when little guy gets here! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers! It's been so nice to have so many people supporting us while we're so far away from home. Well, enjoy the photos and soon we'll have some photos of little baby Dane to post for you!

Current DOB betting is as follows:

Malena: Dec 3 (wishful thinking!)
Joy: Dec 8
Frank: Dec 10
Mike: Dec 11
Joni/Sara: Dec 12
Actually due date: Dec 18
Blejski: Dec 25 (so not nice!)

We're still taking predictions!

This morning @ 37 weeks and 2 days! Wow, I can't believe I've been pregnant this long!

Our tree... in case the belly was blocking the first shot!

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