Wednesday, November 14, 2007

He's on his way:)

Hello everyone:) Well, we had another check up! We're 35 weeks and 4 days. Baby's heart rate is a strong 140 and he's been head down for atleast 3 weeks now! We also found out that mom is 1 cm dialated, 60% effaced and baby Dane is at station -1 (on a scale of -4 to +4). Mom and dad are very excited to hear that things are moving in the right direction! From the looks of things, baby Dane will be here even sooner than anticipated! The midwife thinks he'll be about a week early! Woo hoo!

More photos to come... promise! Tomorrow's the Marine Corps Ball so we'll have photos from that too. Fun, fun, fun. Heels, a formal dress and pregnancy. Can't wait!

Mommy Update: Still big. Still a bit unconfortable. Still loving that this little guy is always kicking around. Still scared to death that I won't know what to do when he comes out! Or before for that matter! And still can't wait to see his face for the first time!

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