Monday, August 20, 2007

Thank You All!

Well, we just got back from our belly tour of the south and we are already missing you all! Thanks to everyone for showering us with your gifts, your love and your company! It was really great to see all the families and spend some time before this little guy comes along! And now we can't wait for him to get here so he can meet all of you! We feel so blessed to have such wonderful families!

Mommy and baby had a check up last Friday after arriving home and everything looks great! As you can see, mom finally put some weight on and baby Dane is growing rapidly! His heart rate is calming down just a bit and is now 156 bpm. He's estimated to be between 1-1.5 pounds and about 10-12 inches long. So far every test result has come back in our favor and he's a perfectly healthy baby boy! We are so thankful for that!

Mommy Update: All is well. Back pains are subsiding, I've come to grips with losing my waist and at this rate of expansion I don't really have a choice! This kid is getting bigger and bigger everyday and I'm so excited! As you can see, I definitely "popped" while visiting home! I think it was the Thai food that did it! He's been kicking wildly ever since... I hope that means he likes it and not that I'm giving him baby-heartburn!

The belly this morning: 23 weeks... almost 6 months!
(I'll really be happy when Mike is here to take a photo of me!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Malena! So is "Dane" the name you guys have picked? So cute! You look fantastic - where the heck is Mike?! Hope all else is well down there! I'm staying on top of your updates through your blog so keep 'em coming!