Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Flying South...

Well, we're heading South this weekend to visit all of the fams:) We're very excited about showing off the belly (and doing a side by side comparison with Joni!) 20 weeks now and half way finished (hopefully)! All is well and not too much to report. We're still just giddy about having a little boy and the shopping has already begun. Once we get back from our trip to see most of you who are reading this, we'll be eager to get the crib assembled and start making the nursery a perfect, little, surfer baby paradise!

Mommy Update: Wooohooo! An amazing 3 pound gain! It's progress. Now I'm just waiting to blow up like a balloon the 2nd half of the pregnancy! Lucky me! The little man is kicking feverishly trying to make his way over to see his family on the east coast/south.

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