Thursday, April 9, 2009

My 15 month check up!

Well, I saw Dr Marotta on Monday and everything went great! Even though I've been a little fussy for Mom lately, I was near angelic for the doctor. He said he wished he could video our visit to show other children how to behave and cooperate at the doctor's office! Mom was a little surprised since I've been less than cooperative at home the prior week and then Dr Marotta explained why! Mom thought my molars were already in, but they're taking their time coming all the way in. Dr Marotta informed Mom that all my molars and all my canine teeth are on their way in right now, so that makes 8 new teeth at one time! And she wonders why I've been difficult! Once these are in I don't have anymore until my 6 year molars pop through! So 16 teeth! Phew, that's a lot of work! As for everything else, the doc says I'm perfect! I'm just right for my height and weight even though mom doesn't think I eat enough to stay alive, much less grow! I am 32 inches tall and 24 pounds, that's about the 50th-75th for height and 50th percentile for weight. Mom's convinced I'd be a giant if only I ate! I'm getting into everything around the house and that keeps Mom busy, but it's good for her:) I LOVE playing in my sandbox so I can't wait for the beach when we get back to San Diego next week! I'm talking more too, but only when I want to. I'm no show pony! I can't wait to see Daddy in a few weeks! I'll be talking up a storm then! I have lots to share with him! I try to tell him over the phone, but I just don't think he understands me sometimes! Love you Daddy!! I'll see you soon!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dane goes to college... kind of:)

Yes, it's true! I went to college last weekend. University of Virginia to be precise. Mommy took me for a walk there and we met up with Jonah and Mimi! I think I like being a college man. It suits me. I look very much at home in front of the Rotunda! Also, there's me in front of the famed UVA chapel. The Roaming Gnome has nothing on me! With my trusty Jeep stroller (and mom to
push me,) I can go anywhere!

Tomorrow I go for my 15 month check up! I'll let y'all know how it goes! And yes, the South has gotten to me and we say "y'all"! I hope Liam and the twins don't make fun of me when I get back to San Diego! We're heading back pretty soon, we leave a week from Wednesday, tax day! It feels like our time here has gone so quickly. I'm going to miss my Virginia family so much! As sad as I am to go, I am so very excited that Daddy's coming home! Well, not exactly home home. Since Mommy and Daddy put all our stuff in storage, we'll be living in a vacation rental near the beach and very close to Liam and his mommy and daddy! It should be a very fun summer in San Diego, especially since Daddy will be there! I can't wait to see you Daddy! I love you so much!

Mom thought after Samari I should try Pirate! Arrrgg!

Just 'cause you can't get enough of my handsome face:)