Sunday, December 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

That's right! I turned 1 yesterday! Sorry no update, but we've all been suffering from the stomach flu:( It's been really bad! We even had to postpone my party so we wouldn't get everyone else sick. I feel so loved, I've been sent so many nice things from so many people! Thank you all for wishing me a happy 1st birthday! I'm sure there are better ways to spend it than with the stomach flu, but I'll have lots more to have fun with! In the interest of sending photos to daddy in Iraq, mommy threw me an early "fake" 1st birthday party with Jonah and Maren, so here are some photos from that!

I'm so excited for Christmas! There's just so many presents this time of year! Mommy and I finally took a Christmas card photo, so here you go! We forgot to put daddy's doll in the photo:( Sorry dad! Speaking of daddy, he's doing well but we wish he were here for the holidays! Mommy and I can't wait to see him again! We love you daddy! And we miss you a whole bunch!

Just to update everyone, I'm walking too! My main mode of transportation is still crawling, but I'm getting better and better at walking everyday! I can clap my hands, which I do a lot if I like something or just to the rhythm of a song and almost always at the end of a movie or show. I make my silly face on command now and make popping sounds with my lips, which mommy loves! I love sharing my food, even if I've already tried it! Mommy says I'm growing into quite the little man and how much I'm like my daddy! I have my 1 year check up after New Year's so I'll have another good update for everyone then:)

Oh, Congrats to my great aunt Pamela on getting married today! And Happy Birthday to Auntie Joni on Tuesday!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! This was my first and I had no idea there would be so much food! My favorite was the cornbread and then the turkey soup that Yai made that night. Mom tried to get me to eat turkey, but I wasn't too interested, maybe next year. Jonah and Maren came over and Great Aunt Sissy and her family so there were lots of kids and lots of fun! It was a great day.

I have 6 teeth now! 4 up top and 2 on the bottom. My molars are coming in too and they're still hurting a little, but I'm doing okay. I've been clapping a lot and talking too! Yesterday I repeated after mommy and counted to 3, and then we clapped (that's my favorite part)! I've been repeating a lot of what I hear. I've said baby, light, fish, and I do, but I only say it once and for some reason mom keeps trying to get me to say it again. Silly mommy:) I also learned "no" and I use it on occasion. It works really well too! Grandaddy was holding me yesterday and mom asked if I wanted to come to her and I said, "no". I'm not sure why, but she didn't like that! Also, I talked to my daddy and he's doing well. I miss him SO much! I love you daddy!

I miss all my friends and family that are so far away, but I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Maybe I'll get to share a holiday with you soon! And now the countdown to my birthday is on! Only 19 more days to go!