Monday, June 30, 2008

My 1st day at the beach!

Daddy had the day off so we went to the beach! I got to see him surf a little while mommy and I played in the sand:) Daddy took me down to put my feet in the water and it was CHILLY! But what a beautiful day! I can't wait until I'm big enough to hop on dad's board and go surfing with him! Maybe in Florida... I hear the water is warmer there:) We also met up with Uncle Shad and Aunt Mandy and Garen and Alyssa too! It's the first time I met them, but I sure heard a lot about them! Garen's going to teach me to wakeboard someday! Well, here are some photos of us from today! Enjoy!

OH! And I have a second tooth!

Our happy family

Woo hoo! That's a happy face.... really!

Me and my Daddy:)

Me and Mommy:)

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