Friday, April 25, 2008

4 month check up!

I'm 4 months already! Today mommy and daddy took me for my check up and another round of shots:( According to Dr. Park, (my cute Asian doctor,) I'm "perfect and growing beautifully"! I am 26 inches (90th percentile) and 15 lbs 2 oz (55th percentile). Which means, I'm gonna be tall and lean just like my daddy! Dr. Park even thinks I'm ready to get started on rice cereal and in a month or so, some good, homemade baby food! I'm also teething, which explains why I'm a little fussy in the evening and have been gumming everything I get my hands on. I have 2 little tooth buds on my bottom gums and soon they should pop through! Then mom may reconsider nursing! I can do a mini push up now when I'm on my tummy and have mastered rolling onto my back!

Well, that's the update for now. I love having my daddy home and hanging out with him! (dad's the fun, mom's the food!) I miss all my fam in Virginia and Alabama! Come see me! Big kisses to Yai & Granddaddy, Granny & Paw Paw, Uncle Brandon, Uncle Ronnie & Auntie Joni and of course, my best friends Jonah & Maren:) Love you guys!

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