Monday, April 28, 2008

Look what I can do!

Thought y'all might want to see Dane and his new amazing feat! He spontaneously began rolling over today! Now we can't stop him and it's only a matter of time until he's mobile! Enjoy!

Friday, April 25, 2008

4 month check up!

I'm 4 months already! Today mommy and daddy took me for my check up and another round of shots:( According to Dr. Park, (my cute Asian doctor,) I'm "perfect and growing beautifully"! I am 26 inches (90th percentile) and 15 lbs 2 oz (55th percentile). Which means, I'm gonna be tall and lean just like my daddy! Dr. Park even thinks I'm ready to get started on rice cereal and in a month or so, some good, homemade baby food! I'm also teething, which explains why I'm a little fussy in the evening and have been gumming everything I get my hands on. I have 2 little tooth buds on my bottom gums and soon they should pop through! Then mom may reconsider nursing! I can do a mini push up now when I'm on my tummy and have mastered rolling onto my back!

Well, that's the update for now. I love having my daddy home and hanging out with him! (dad's the fun, mom's the food!) I miss all my fam in Virginia and Alabama! Come see me! Big kisses to Yai & Granddaddy, Granny & Paw Paw, Uncle Brandon, Uncle Ronnie & Auntie Joni and of course, my best friends Jonah & Maren:) Love you guys!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We're back in Sunny San Diego

Well, we made it home safe and sound:) The plane rode home was long, but Dane handled it like a pro and it seems almost enjoys the friendly skies. He gets that from his dad, along with everything else except his eyes:) We had a great time in Virginia and miss everyone already. Dane is missing his new best friend Maren very much! Here's a look at some of the fun we had:)

Hanging out with Granddad

I'm not touching you:)

Maren: "So, what are you thinking about?"
Dane: "Boobs."

Just watching a little show I like to call NINJA WARRIOR!!!
(Because that is it's name!) Go Nagano!

Peace out!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

More photos from Virginia

HI daddy! We miss you so much and can't wait to come home to you! For now, here are some photos of me and my cousins in Virginia:) We're having lots of fun, but next time I think you should come too! Mommy would really appreciate it, I'm sure! Love you!

Do you miss me?

Maren's coming to get me!

It's far too hot for onesies!

Yes, Yai is washing me in the sink...

I'm shushed, Jonah!