Saturday, March 29, 2008

On the road again...

Well, Dane is now 3 months and 1 week and in mere days will embark on his first cross country trip! Mom is a little more than scared about carting him across the nation on an airplane full of germie people and less that ideal conditions, (cruising at 30,000 feet isn't really part of our bedtime routine!) But with a lot of prayers and a whole lot of hope, we will happily make it Virginia without too much trouble! Don't worry Alabama family, I promise we'll bring the Baby Dane show down there for a visit soon too! In the meantime, we are missing daddy (in the desert training) and looking forward to Dane meeting his cousins Jonah and Baby Maren:) We love you all and can't wait to see you!

Blurry, but with mommy:)

Smiling big for Auntie Cindy

Shhh, he's sleeping:)

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