Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Still nothing...

I'm now in the 4th trimester. Yeah.

1 comment:

EA10 said...

Oh, how sweet! Another X'mas baby in the family! Haley is disappointed that you didn't wait three more days, so she and Dane could share their special day! She would like to commiserate with the little guy while opening birthday/Christmas presents... and yes, they do happen despite our best intentions. I have enjoyed your baby blog and think it is a really great way to share and preserve your memories. You guys (girlfriends and Mike) all look like you are enjoying a pretty good/fun life. So, what's your problem- why aren't there any pictures of our newest bundle of joy? Mike, you slacker! You can't possibly have that much to do yet-ha! Just kidding:) W e wish you many more blessings and patience in dealing with the sidelines of parenthood. Well, we are so glad everything went well and that the little kick boxer is finally here! Wish we could be there to snuggle him, but you'll just have to give him extra love from the fam fans down south! Love and baby smooches- Brad, Julia, Haley, and Payton