Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dane Christian is here!

Dropped from heaven on December 20, 2007 at 6:30 pm.
Weighing in at 8 lbs 5 ounces and 22 inches long!
Mom, dad and baby are all doing great! Details to come!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Due Date!

Okay, he's not here yet! But we did receive some promising news this morning from the midwife. Looks like labor is right around the corner! 3-4 cm dilated, 80% effaced and the water bag is bulging. If you don't know what that means, it means we're close. Lots of prayers! Maybe he'll actually be born ON his due date, that would be nice:) Regardless, we've been promised that he'll be here within 72 hours. And we can't wait!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

39 weeks + 4 days

Yep, no baby yet.

Christmas Party:)

So Mike and I won this insane baby bundle at a Christmas Party last week! So happy to have a photo just before baby comes! Thanks Lynn:)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

39 weeks. Is it over yet?

Mommy Update: Holy geez! This kid is never coming out! I understand that his due date is still 1 week away, but I truly feel like he's taken up permanent residence in there and will be applying for college via my uterus. I feel terminally pregnant. Not that I don't love having this little guy kick me all day, but I really just want to see his little face! Honestly, I can't complain, I've been REALLY blessed with an easy pregnancy. I'm still sleeping at night and I'm not that uncomfortable. For the most part, I can still carry on all my normal activities, I just may need a 4 or 5 hour nap at some point in the day. Well, we'll keep you all posted and let you know when this kid makes his debut! Hopefully THIS WEEK! Love you all! Thanks for loves:)

As promised, here's a photo from the Marine Corps Ball a few weeks ago. SO unfair that Cherie is so cute so soon after having Liam!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Are we there yet?!?!

Mom and dad are going crazy waiting for Dane to arrive!
Daddy Update: Nightly pep talks to the belly but no action yet.
Mommy Update: Mom's BIG. Enough said.

Updated DOB betting:

Malena: Dec 3 (wishful thinking!)... that didn't work out!
Joy: Dec 8
Frank/Erica: Dec 10
Mike: Dec 11
Joni/Sara: Dec 12
Rico: Dec 13
Mandy/Brian: Dec 14
Actual due date: Dec 18
Blejski/Meyer: Dec 25 (so not nice!)