Wednesday, October 24, 2007

32 weeks along!

Only 8 more weeks to go! We had another check up today and baby and momma are doing very well! Baby Dane has moved head down and is in position to get out! His heart rate is a solid 152 bpm and he's about as active as he can be! Mom is measuring right on target and is looking forward to some pretty crazy weight gain in the coming weeks. Average is a pound a week until delivery! Should be fun.

The nursery is still in progress, but is looking pretty good so far! We can't wait to see our little one in there:) All in all we're mostly ready for little Dane to come! Just a few more weeks.....

Mommy Update: I'm thrilled that everything is going so well, I just wish he'd be here sooner than 8 weeks! I've been sleeping a lot more lately although his kicks really haven't slowed down, even through the night. Looks like we have a night owl! Rib kicks and contractions are a little more common now, but I'll get over it:)

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