Monday, August 25, 2008

I love my daddy!

Daddy and I have been hanging out a lot:) In this picture daddy had just walked in the door from work and I couldn't wait to see him! Below mom has included a photo that she will one day use to blackmail me into doing what she says and I will listen for fear that she will email this to my friends! This is my first big boy bath! No baby tubs for me!

Friday, August 22, 2008


Yes, I am cruising now! I can pull myself up to stand and when I feel particularly squirrely I even venture out and take a few steps holding on the couch or coffee table. I'm pretty self sufficient. There's talk of getting me my own place. It's about time I have a bachelor pad of my own... however, it is kinda nice having food and milk fed to me and I've gotten really used to someone else changing my diaper... I may just hang around mom and dad a little longer, you know, just to make them fell needed:) Anyway, all my buddies came over the other day and we finally got a group photo. The mom's insisted they be in the picture too even though everyone knows this is all about the babies;)

To think we went from this....

to this:)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

My first ball game!

Friday night mommy and daddy took me out for a night on the town! We went to Petco Park to watch the Padres vs. the Phillies! It was my first baseball game and I loved it! My favorite part was when everyone cheered! I'm pretty sure they were all cheering for me, but I guess it could've been for the players:)

Yesterday I got to spend the day with my friend Liam:) We went swimming and hung out around the house and even played chicken with the daddy's! (see below) I had so much fun that now I have to go take a big nap! Buh-bye:)

It might not look like it, but we had fun!

"Dodges, we will get you!"