Tuesday, May 20, 2008

5 months old!

That's right! I'm 5 months old already! Mommy and Daddy can hardly believe it! It's been a good 5 months and I've made lots of great friends and I love all my family that I've met! I've learned all kinds of stuff, but my favorite things to do are roll over and try to crawl off the couch! So here are some more pictures of me and daddy.... mommy is apparently allergic to the camera:)

Sleeping on Daddy:)

Clinging to the back of the couch:)

"Looks like I'm standing all by myself, doesn't it?!"

"I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm falling..."

Monday, May 12, 2008

Fun with Mommy & Daddy!

My daddy got PRK (corrective eye surgery) this past week and today was the last day he got to stay home with me. So here's a few photos of our fun time together! I'm gonna miss you during the day daddy!

"Okay daddy, you hang me upside down, I stick my fingers in your mouth!"

Me and mommy:)

I found my feet:)

Friday, May 2, 2008

My First "Solid" Food!

From Mommy: Dane got his first feeding of rice cereal yesterday! And although he seemed to prefer his spoon as a phone and his hand as his food, he did great! It was messy, but we both had fun! Miss/love you all!

Our happy little family:)

Dane in his bumbo