Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2 month check up!

I can't believe Dane's already 2 months old! Monday he had his 2 month check up and he's doing great! Dane is now 12 pounds and 24 inches long! He's in the 60th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for height and according to his doctor, "growing beautifully"! He smiles all the time now and coos constantly. We think he'll be talking before too long! Mom and Dad (especially Mom) are happy to say that Dane is sleeping great! He goes to bed early, wakes once in the middle of the night to eat and is mom's alarm clock in the morning around 7. He's so wonderful! We miss you all and can't wait for you to see how much he's grown! Love you all....

Monday, February 11, 2008

Welcome Home Chad!

Yesterday the Southworth family went to the base to welcome home Uncle Chad who returned from Iraq after a 6 month deployment. Here's daddy and Dane on the flight line next to the C-130J that brought our boys home.