Saturday, January 26, 2008

More photos...

For your awwing pleasure:)

Bath Time! (age: 2 weeks)

Shhh... (age: 3 weeks)

Finally, some photos of Dane!

Sorry about the delay of updates, it's been a little busy around here! Well, we are happy to say that so far, so good! Dane has been great and (thank God) perfectly healthy. He gave mom a beautiful, quick delivery with very little pain (thank God for epidurals!). Since we've been home we've had lots of family time with grandparents and even and uncle flying out to meet the little guy. Now at 5 weeks Dane is doing just great and getting the hang of life outside of mommy! In the first few weeks he already moved out of mom and dad's bed, is in his own room and managed to put himself on a night schedule so that mom and dad can get some sleep! We're so blessed! During his waking hours he's very noisy with lots of grunts and whimpers, loves to be held and stare into faces and is a big fan of walks outside. He also loves his Yai, Pop, Grammy and Paw Paw very much! Last check up at 3 weeks he was already 9 pounds and now at 5 weeks he seems to be packing on pounds everyday!
Well, here are some photos for you to aww over:)

Dane's First Week:)

Baby Dane

Hanging out with dad

With Yai

With Mommy, Yai and Pop

Dane and Paw Paw

Dane and Grammy