Saturday, September 29, 2007

Only 11 weeks to go!

The Girls (all of whom are having boys!)

We can't believe we're coming up on 29 weeks! 11 more and the little guys should be here... who knows... maybe sooner! We're hoping little Dane is slightly early, maybe by a week or so. That way he can have a cool birthday that doesn't coinside with Christmas break and the inevitable birthday/Christmas present!

We had another check up this week and everything looks great! Dane's heart rate has slowed down to a nice 148 but still sounds like galloping horses. Mommy's tummy is measuring right on track and has packed on another 4 pounds for a grand total of 9. We suspect she'll be gaining quite a bit these last few months!

Belly shots to come, but for now here's another photo of Mom and friends at their triple baby shower 2 weeks ago!

Taken just 3 days before little Liam (mommy Cherie on the right) was born:) Welcome little man!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Third Trimester Already!

Yep, we're in the 3rd and last trimester! Yesterday marked 26 weeks for us and that means only 14 weeks to go! Wow, that doesn't seem long enough! As evident by the photo below, Baby Dane has been growing fast and kicking A LOT. Our next checkup is in another 2 weeks and we'll have a glucose screening for prego-diabetes. Hopefully all will go well and Dane will be right on track! Love you all! Can't wait for more news to share!

Mommy Update: I love watermelon! And I love all my family & friends, especially those going through this oh so fun time with me! Cherie, hang in there! Don't let Liam come out until AFTER the shower! Oh, I also just bought the most expensive pair of jeans I've ever owned and they're maternity. I plan eat, sleep and LIVE in these jeans! Who knew chubby lady clothes were so pricey!? And my ribs are officially gone.

Mike's gone... again:) So here's me taking a photo... of me.... again.
26 weeks (6 1/2 months)