Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Here's our little man!

Here's our little one!

I know it's a little hard to see, but he's a boy!

His little face:)

This is our "muscle man" pose!

It's a BOY!

That's right! We're having a little boy! The ultrasound today, although lengthy and painful due to a very full bladder, was incredible! All of baby's organs are forming nicely and in great working order! It's hard to estimate the length right now, but he's a bit over 10 ounces. He is a mover! We had a little trouble getting some of the vital shots because he kept squirming around and kicking momma in the process! All in all, we couldn't be happier (especially considering we don't have a single girl name picked out!). Our scanner is down, so photos are to come shortly! Woohoo!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Boy or Girl?! Tune in Wednesday!

We're so excited that the day is fast approaching when we will find out if we're having a boy or a girl! Excitement CANNOT be contained right now! 19 weeks today and getting quite antsy to get a good start on the nursery... and start calling the baby by gender appropriate titles!

Mommy Update: Emotional, anxious and eating lots:) ("please sir, could I have some more?" ...Joni knows what this means:)

Daddy Update: Trying to keep up with mom's need for more food!

Well, we'll leave you with a few more ultrasound photos from our first visit that you may not have seen! Love you all!

Friday, July 13, 2007

The belly is growing:)

Hello everyone! Well, it seems both mom, dad and baby are doing great! Mike is currently on his way to Pensacola for the weekend on a "work related" flight, which left me to take my own belly shots... again. Our most recent check up, which was last week, shows that baby is growing and doing great. The heartbeat is still up there at 160 bpm and this kid is moving around like crazy! I've now felt several direct little kicks and a bunch of flutters. Mike finally got to feel a few too but still tells me to stop squishing the baby everytime I feel around my belly for him (or her!).

Less that 2 weeks now until we have the ultrasound to find out the gender! Right now I'm kind of torn, but I think I'm leaning more towards boy! You can start the wagering now:)

Mommy Update: STILL no weight gain according to my midwife, but I think I lost quite a bit of weight then gained it back, which makes me feel better! I'm definitely in the nesting stage! I've even cleaned out my closets and I'm systematically getting rid of everything we don't need! The garage is my next obstacle! Hopefully Mike will be here to help me or he may be missing a few things when he returns!

Enjoy these belly shots:) I honestly feel like I'm 2 or 3 more months along when I go to bed at night and here's the proof that this child grows during the evening and hides in the morning!

Belly this morning: 4 1/2 months

Last night at 10pm

Monday, July 2, 2007

Kick me!

Saturday night we felt the little guy or girl give a good stiff kick, at least for someone who's 4 inches long and only weighs about 3 ounces! That kick was followed by 2 more and once we located a bulge (the baby) Mike put his hand on the belly and felt the baby move away. Then this morning I felt a few little flutters, which I assume is our little one and not just gas!

Mommy Update: Tomorrow is the 4 month mark and I think I've gained a pound or two! Woo hoo! Never really thought I'd be excited about that! We'll find out for sure at the next check up on Friday.... then, another update and belly photo!