Friday, June 8, 2007

1st Trimester down... 2 to go!

This week we hit 3 months! First trimester madness is hopefully over and baby is doing great! Mom's belly is getting fuller but still, no weight gain. The other night Mike even thought he felt a rapid, little heartbeat, but I think that may have been wishful thinking! Still no progress on the nursery although a few little gifts have started to make room feel prepped to become baby land!

Mommy Update: morning sickness has not overtaken me, but Mike's cooking has! He ran me out of the kitchen, and almost the house, the other day making salmon and I thought I was going to die. Luckily I didn't and chicken soup seemed to be the cure for my worst bout of nausea since baby came into our lives!

***Very happy news, our 2 best girls out here in Cali are also expecting! So we're one big prego bunch... darn peer pressure, everybody's doing it!***

1. Mike & Malena in Costa Rica (2 days pregnant!)... ignore all the other people:)

2. Malena today (12 weeks 3 days pregnant).. Mike's on a trip so I had to be my own photographer!

3. Soon to be Baby Room!