Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Here's our little guy... or girl!

This is our very first picture of our little one! This ultrasound was done at 10 weeks and our "little grom" is 2.9 cm from head to bum:) Unfortunately, the midwife wasn't that well versed with the new fangled technology and missed all the beauty shots of Baby Southworth. Also, our scanner pooped out so this a photo of the ultrasound which accounts for the bad reflection! Next ultrasound is scheduled for July 25th and we'll find out if we're having a beautiful little boy or girl... and this time we'll use a scanner!

Expected Due Date: December 18, 2007.... 201 days and counting!

Mommy Update: To date mom has not gained a pound! In fact, I've lost 6! Despite no weight gain, my body is changing in strange and unexpected ways! I'm packing on more cushion in the front making a nice bed for baby and the milk makers are getting heavy! Hmmm, wonder where those 6 pounds came off? I certainly couldn't tell you! My normal clothes are becoming a little uncomfortable and I LOVE jammie pants right now!